Filed in Charity

Benedict backs The Evening Standard’s Winter Survival Appeal

London newspaper The Evening Standard and UK charity Comic Relief joined forces to launch their Winter Survival Appeal Christmas campaign in support of charities in London and across the country dedicated to help people struggling with food insecurity as well as children’s health and well-being.

According to the Evening Standard:

They include food redistribution charities FareShare and The Felix Project, baby banks such as Little Village, and at least another 15 transformative charities without whom our most vulnerable would be in even greater despair.

Benedict hailed the campaign, saying:

I know this campaign will fund amazing projects that get help to people who need it most. This appeal will get support to families who are struggling to stay afloat and need urgent help with the essentials for their children. If you are able to support, you will be making such a difference.

You can find out more about the campaign here.
