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Benedict is chosen one of the Best Actors of 2021 by the New York Times

Benedict’s career-best performance in The Power of the Dog has earned him a place among the New York Time’s Best Actors of 2021 list. The article brings a new photoshoot:


Here’s what the newspaper had to say (SPOILER ALERT!!!):

Benedict Cumberbatch has specialized in playing brilliant, cerebral men: Sherlock Holmes; Alan Turing; Doctor Strange. In some ways, Phil Burbank, the Montana rancher at the center of this mighty western, belongs in this company. He’s a Yale graduate, erudite and musically talented, with a quick mind and a gift for cruel sarcasm. The persona he shows to the world, though, is that of a barely civilized man of the West, and avatar of rough, mean, stoic masculinity. Who is he really? A monster or a martyr? The movie takes its time arriving at an answer, and Cumberbatch lets the mystery linger even after Phil is gone.

