Earlier today, Variety announced the exclusive debut of two tracks from the The Power of the Dog score, titled ’25 Years’ and ‘West’. The tracks will be released this Tuesday, 26 October. The full score composed by Jonny Greenwood will be released on CD and vinyl on 17 November.
You can listen to the tracks below:
Greenwood’s shared that:
The main thought I kept returning to was that this film is set in the modern era. It’s too easy to assume any cowboy story takes place in the 19th century. There is so much culture in Phil’s character. He’s well-read, and it isn’t hard to imagine his taste in music being — alongside his proficiency on the banjo — very sophisticated. The pleasure in a character this complex and emotionally pent-up is that it allows for complexity in some of the music, as well as simpler, sweeter things for his contrasting brother. Bouncing between these two characters, musically, generated a lot of ideas.
Meanwhile, director Jane Campion’s stated that: “Jonny Greenwood, our composer, is a genius. Simple as that”.